Tools and accessories for the car

List of tools, spare parts and accessories that should always be kept in the car.
The toolbox can complement the home toolbox or be totally independent depending on your use.

Il resto degli accessori verranno sistemati nella macchina a secondo della loro utilità.

Example of a Tool box.

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Dentro la cassetta degli attrezzi

Make sure you have the complete car manual, in case you also download the repair manual for your engine and electrical system sheet, then print it out.

  • Work gloves
  • Slotted and Phillips screwdrivers
  • Long, medium-cut screwdriver
  • Universal pliers
  • Hammer
  • Roller spanner
  • Socket spanner set (optional)
    Here the video review
  • Cruciform wheel spanner
  • Extension tube (iron water type) for levering keys
  • Brass brush
  • Duct tape / Adhesive canvas tape
  • Iron wire
  • Piece of aluminium foil
  • Reusable cable ties
  • Sandpaper
  • Metal saw
  • Flat tyre repair kit
  • WD40; CRC; Svitol
  • High-temperature resistant grease tube
  • Copper paste or aluminium (prevents bolts from locking over time)
  • Spare fuses, relays and bulbs
  • Spare spark plugs and spanner
  • Rag
Accessori per automobile

Fuori dalla cassetta

Accessori automobile

Nell'abitacolo a portata di mano

  • Fire extinguisher
  • Headlamp Nitecore HC60 V2: 98g with batt, 1200 lumens, IPX7.

Pronto soccorso

Conspicuous case easily accessible.

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